Friday, March 31, 2017

March Book Review: Taking Up The Runes by Diana L. Paxson

This month, I read Taking Up The Runes by Diana L. Paxson! Overall, I found it to be informative and interesting. It's definitely a must-have for any Heathen library. Taking Up The Runes makes a fantastic reference book, with each chapter covering a different pair of runes. I also thought it was a pleasure to read. Paxson's writing style is descriptive and captivating.

Most of the book's value can be found in Part One, which introduces each rune and it's possible meanings. Paxson cites other runic experts frequently, so you get to see each rune from different points of veiw. Part Two is mostly vaguely Wicca-inspired rituals, though there are some very pretty songs and poems. The most useful part of the book's second half is the Pronunciation Guide starting on page 410.

Overall, I would recommend this book. I purchased a used copy through for about $10. You can get the kindle version for $15.99, or buy a new paperback for $17.81.

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