Sunday, September 27, 2015

Not All Pagans Are Wiccans

This picture is nice..... But factually incorrect. Pagan is not the same as "not christian, jewish, or muslim", and by the way, Islam is the religion, the followers of Islam are muslim. Muslim is not the name of their religion. Paganism is a blanket term for the pre-Christian religions of Europe, and includes modern reconstructions of those religions, such as Asatru and Druidism. Paganism is commonly used in modern times to refer to Neopaganism as well. Neopaganism includes many nature-based religions created within the last century, most of which are based at least in part on Pagan religions and may believe in polytheism, pantheism, and/or animism. This includes Wicca, Eclecticism, Witchcraft, Shamanism, and some people also include recon religions as being neopagan.

Pagans are NOT often solitary practitioners. This is a very Wicca-centric image as a whole, but "solitary practice" is very much an Eclectic Wiccan thing. For example, almost all Asatruars and heathens are either part of a kindred/theod/tribe, or actively looking for one. In Heathenry, and several other traditions, belonging to a group or community is heavily encouraged. Actually, many Wiccans who belong to a specific tradition are part of covens and circles. It is acceptable to be a solitary practitioner in most pagan religions, if you have to, but most traditions encourage being involved with your pagan community.

"As long as your faith harms no one and nothing..." is a great sentiment. It is also a Wiccan sentiment, and not all Pagans believe in "An it harm done, do what ye will". Once again, using Heathenry as an example, heathens often believe that "what is good for the tribe is good, what is bad for the tribe is bad". This means that, for example, if someone was threatening your kin and the only way to keep your kin safe was to harm or kill the person threatening you, then it is perfectly acceptable to do so. In fact, it would be dishonorable NOT to protect your kin, in any situation. It's also perfectly acceptable to butcher a feast animal in the name of the gods, though this is not often done in modern times.

So, here's your daily reminder that NOT ALL PAGANS ARE WICCANS OR ECLECTICS, AND WE SHOULDN'T ASSUME SO! Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to discuss this in the comments!

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